Popup - Inconsistent display

Good evening everyone.

I have a slight problem with Bubble’s native popup, and I don’t understand at all how this is possible.

The black border of the popup no longer has the “Shadow” effect, see photo.

This only works if I have text or if my button has the width: Fit width to content.

Various tests:

  • I create a popup without touching anything → Ok
    I add a button with Fit width to content → Ok
  • I delete Fit width to content → Problem
  • I add a text → Ok
  • I delete the button → Ok

An idea of ​​the problem ?

Thank you and good evening to all!


I believe the fit width on a popup element is a new feature that was part of the Boost Day from July 16…very likely there is a bug so you might want to submit a bug report about it.

But overall it is a bit confusing as to what is the actual problem and whether or not you are using the fit width on the popup or on a button.

It is also really hard to discern what the settings are for in your screen shots as the top of the element inspector is missing so, not sure if you are showing the same element or which element it is for.

If you screen shot shows the popup with a max width of 100px, that might be your issue, but again, really hard to understand based on the description and screen shots provided.

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Good morning,

Thank you for your reply.

My Popup is Max-width 400.

My button has no width defined, so it takes the entire parent element.

Quite simply, nothing grandiose.

We would say that the problem is resolved (On its own, probably a correction as you say following a bug)!!


Yes, this happens often enough. Glad it has been resolved.

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