Postmortem discussion thread

Original thread is locked.

Haven’t quite a few dedicated plan people said this did affect them in some ways?

I still feel like the Bubble response leaves out any hard commitment to reliability/uptime in any respect, which is really disappointing.

How do you expect us to sell this to customers? When they ask us what happens if Bubble’s down, we have to tell them, hey, tough luck, it’s the cost of using the platform. At least help us out by committing to % uptime or certain SLOs :frowning:

Still missing:

  • Solid commitments to reliability and performance (SLA)
  • Clear timeline and make public your reliability targets
  • Scheduled releases- being on the shared cluster feels like being guinea pigs for your engineers

Also, don’t lock the threads. You know full well we’re not quiet people :slight_smile:


I believe some dedicated clusters was affected from edge cases like a plugin in testing mode? (I guess a plugin in testing mode relies on the shared cluster? Not sure how that works)

I chatted with another bubbler who works on a dedicated cluster and they had no issues


They’ve already committed to making reliability a focus, look how that’s going. I’m not sure how much a commitment will mean unless it’s in a SLA that they are legally bound to.


Could the Bubble team share more on their deployment method? is their shared cluster all just one big cluster that they roll out updates to? Can’t they do a deployment for a small cluster as beta tester(maybe starting with Starter plans) before moving on to the more expensive plans?

My client was a Team plan (one step below dedicated) and he was hit by this as well…this incident definitely triggered him to think of a backup plan.

Am just wondering why when every outage happens, it causes chaos to every Bubble user…

I believe this has an issue with new plugin versions as well, as I’m no longer able to retrieve the correct object back on production vs the correct object on testing in an API call. As noted in my prior post.

Quick question @georgecollier & @chris.williamson1996.

For myself and others reading these type of threads with less than expert knowledge on Bubble’s backend framework/infrastructure, what SHOULD we expect as customers?

Obviously 100% uptime and 100% transparent communication would be ideal but when do you believe issues like this become a deal-breaker for developers and clients?

Interested in both of your thoughts as well as anyone knowledgable on the subject.

They locked the thread! :exploding_head:

Res Ipsa Loquitur (“the thing speaks for itself.)

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I think that the only two things in terms of their deployment method are the Immediate Releases and Scheduled Releases, but in this case, both were affected

Good point, wondering the same

This outage was definitely one of the longer ones that the apps I manage were directly affected in a while now, I feel like a lot of the ones reported on the status page are reported even if 1 app is experiencing some type of technical issue that triggers their automations

Frankly, to me that long post is just a lot of mumbo jumbo now. All these mean nothing if they keep coming again and again. I don’t get assured by them now and am immunised.

As he wrote himself, they have become expert at writing postmortem messages rather than fixing things.

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Seems to be a new trend with Bubble staff writing posts and then either never responding to the community or just locking the threads so nobody can actually respond.

It is clearly a shift in the way that Bubble are operating and a big show of lack of care towards us little people. I understand that apparently a new community guy is starting at the end of the month. They have quite the job ahead to try and reconnect as at the moment, it seems the community is in pieces and more and more people are giving up / moving to other tools.

Great point, I have moved my app to scheduled release. Hope that in future it won’t be affected.

If there’s something about Bubble, I’ve definitely learned from being a Bubbler for the last 6 years, that they do definitely care and listen. Even if they don’t respond, they’ll read every post.

I do agree that it appears there are a lot of empty promises that we’re not really seeing the results of


This is great as we are able to know who is responsible for what and who we should reach out to directly if we have more serious concerns that support are not suitable to handle.

We have direct messaging capability with them. So far, I’ve been impressed with the way the higher ups and more senior people at Bubble continue to be accessible.

Like any relationship, it takes hard work, dedication, open communication (which I believe Bubble is a part of) and an understanding there will be ups and downs, for which both parties need to ride the tides of in order to reach a point where the issues become resolved. Anybody who is married or has a business partner could say the same thing.

I would say, at least they have mastered the first step…Nobody became a Black Belt in Karate without wearing the white belt for a while.

I think we can look at competitors, some of which have published their dedicated uptimes, of which I’ve seen average 99.5% - which Bubble is beating.

If a Live app of mine was experiencing issues, and we already heard from our clients as to what they were, and it was an ‘all hands on deck’ type of situation, my phone would be off until the issue was resolved.

Thanks @payam.azadi for the details from the Postmortem…I think we ALL look forward to NEVER having to read another again :wink:


Pretty sure they locked the thread because there are already at least 3 threads, excluding this, about the same issue and also moderators like @mikeloc currently not active anymore.

I think they responded pretty quickly. Also the post looks like they take downtime seriously.

There will always be downtime in a full stack platform.


Well, looks like a chill day at NY office. :robot:

Though I would suggest at least 30% compensation for this month operational costs to all Main Cluster Paid apps. The status page clearly shows a day by day outage.
Thanks. :slight_smile:

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:rofl: there are two timeless conversations

  • we customers insist on ~ 100% reliability and full transparency

  • we customers demand very cheap

Controls and processes for reliability mean additional costs - that will pass to customers as price increases.

Just saying - you can moan about one or the other but not both :rofl: (please)

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They locked the thread because they know what the response would be.

I’m no Bubble infrastructure expert. But you’d expect at least less uptime than the dependencies (AWS/Cloudflare etc). But certainly not as low as the current uptime.

Yes, but not to this extent…

Please, if I could pay 3x as much for a reliable service I would :sweat_smile: I have seen apps on the starter plan that make 100k+ per year, some apps are grossly underpaying (though don’t get me started on WU :wink: )

I feel like two days after serious issues people kind of forget how serious they are and how much they affect the business operations facilitated by your apps and are quick to give the benefit of the doubt to Bubble with the ‘they’re trying!’ and ‘no service is perfect!’. Yeah, that’s right, but those services compensate users for reliability, publicly commit to specific SLOs, and have appropriate rollout procedures that stop the continual ‘oh look, Bubble’s testing in production again!’ related problems.

You’d think so… but it seems to be a consequence of decisions made years ago that make it too late to change. That’s their problem, rather than ours, but it means it seems unlikely they’ll ever give shared clusters proper release management. So, they just have to test before deploying. But apparently they don’t do load testing? They don’t test then normal, expected, platform-wide consequences of changing certain code.