Preview with smartphone

Hello everybody,
could you tell me how I can test my work on my smartphone ?

Hey @cfi.floralyz :wave:

If I understand your question correctly, all you have to do is enter the URL of your bubble app to your mobile browser:

You can remove the ?debug_mode=true at the end for a better view.

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

Thank you but my images doesn’t take the whole whith of the screen.
Do you known the answer of this question too ?
I am new with Bubble and I have a lot to learn :blush:

You have to play with layout and design of your page. If you are new, I suggest you take a few tutorials starting here:

Good luck :+1:

bdk_512x512 @Huseyin from Flusk | Discover the #1 Security and Monitoring Tool for Bubble

Thank tou very much. I will get to work immediately :blush: