Real issue navigating State definement for OpenAI returned info

Here is the issue:

I have set up my app specifically by the directions that the AI app video explains to do . Yet, my display is not displaying the information. I have spent hours on this, and honestly I was pretty close to complete the first rodeo, yet it has definitely tanked and I did a redo. Same issue, it is the ability to set the states without setting states. In the video, they do not officially set the state. Instead they change states based on actions. So if they process is TEXT status is Pending, then the Group Pending displays. All well and good. Yet, the Results status needs to display info. This information is located in the database, returned from OpenAI. Yet the Group Results WILLNOT SHOW, and I am not understanding why. It definitely has the reason to show listed. Yet, even if it does show, it does not populate the information, even though the field has obvious data in the field inside the database. What else could be blocking here?