Redirecting my .com domain to go to my .org bubble site

It’s absurd how stuck I’ve been on this. My site, is live, but I’d like to switch to now, without losing the SEO or invalidating the .com links that I’ve sent out to people.

When I set up a redirect on my Namecheap DNS, I get a cloudflare Error 1001, DNS resolution error.

All I want is for my website to be on .org, and for anyone who goes to to also be redirected to .org

I’ve spent way too much time on this and any help getting unstuck would be much appreciated, thank you.

I am not a domain expert but I know you can also setup domain redirects in bubble’s settings.

If you go to the SEO settings, I have setup domain redirects here before and they have worked!

Let me know if this solves your issue

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Yeah unfortunately it’s not this. The 301 redirects on bubble are to direct old pages of a site to new ones when you change the name, so if I have Swarmed Pollinator Shop and change the page to but still want traffic to /shop to be rerouted to /beeshop

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Yeah something probably solved with your domain host then