Remove scrollbar

How do I remove the scrollbar from my bubble app?

I don’t want any indication of a scrollbar anywhere on my app, whether it be for a repeating group or the actual browser.

Is there a way I can remove it?

Or maybe change its color so that it doesn’t show?

Thank you.

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Hi @intrascopellc,

I simply added some CSS code in a HTML element:


Remember to make sure this works in each browser and modify the code if necessary.

edit, here’s the code:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;
* {
scrollbar-width: none;
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This solution works for removing the scroll bars attached to repeating groups.

However, the scrollbar from the browser itself is still there.

How can I remove it?

Thank you for your assistance!

What browser are you testing in? Is it mobile ?

Yes. Safari on mobile

iOS has more restrictive rules concerning scrollbars, I’m afraid we can’t do anything about it. It will work in almost all other browsers though…

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