Removing scrollbar from repeating groups?

Hi everyone :wave:,

I’m trying to remove the horizontal scrollbar from a repeating group. I recently read a very interesting article from Himanshu Sharma called Remove scrollbar from Repeating groups. In this article, he shows his method of removing a scrollbar from the repeating group. But when I tried it, it didn’t work. Is there an updated version? Also, does anyone know a way to easily remove the scrollbar from repeating groups? Please help if you have a moment.



One way is to set it to a fixed number of cells and setting the number of rows to 1 and the number of columns to the number that you want shown in your UI. To scroll to the right or left you can add right and left icons below.

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Hey there @joe.esteban.montero,

You can also define an element ID, then use some CSS to remove the scrollbar off your repeating group.

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Thanks, I actually tried that but I’m building a custom image slider with thumbnail images as pagination. So I need to know how to remove the scrollbar for it toowork.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Do you know how to do that in Bubble?

If you build an rg as I suggested there should not be a horizontal scroll bar. No CSS needed.

Just needs logic to pagínate forward and backwards

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I know that but the method that I’m going for is to use thumbnail images as pagination and with the RG scrollbar removed. It’s ok though someone recently showed me what I was looking for. But thanks for the input. I appreciate it.

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Define the ID for the repeating group element, then put down a HTML element inputting CSS that selects the repeating group.

You can enable the ability to add HTML IDs to elements via Settings > General > General Appearance

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Thanks for the help :metal:

No problem!

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