Return data from api workflow using App connector


I have a question, If I want to create a thing via a Api workflow and return it’s ID to frontend, can I use the App connector plugin ?

I saw some videos and I think it’s not actually ment to be used for, but ppl still use it by connecting their own app to itself.

Also does the action “Run [back-end wf name]” in the front end workflow actually waits for the response before starting the next step in frontend workflow ?

Thank you.

Definitely, it was not made to connect an app to itself. But works :sweat_smile:
You can use without fear…

Your workflow will not wait for you scheduled backend workflow ends to continue…

Oh that last part is a huge drawback then…

I need the front end workflow to wait for that thing ID so It can correctly redirect the user to the correct page…

I thought the “Run ” action of the Api connector plugin waited a response so that It can be used in the next step…

You have two alternatives:

  1. Use the action “Create a thing” in your workflow. Doing this, you will be able to get the ID of this thing in the next steps.

  2. Use de App Connector to connect your App to itself. Doing this, your main workflow will wait the response of your call to continue…

Ok so unlike the schedule api workflow, the Api connector does wait for a response.

The issue with creating in frontend is that it’s not reliable, the user can close the page while the frontend wf is working.

Yes, if your endpoint return data, your workflow will wait the return to continue. But the user can close the browser anyway… And your workflow will stop in the midle

I don’t know for sure what you are trying to do, but the only way to build a reliable workflow that will never be stoped by the user is trowing everything to backend…

Ok, as I am requesting data, I assume I should “Use as DATA” ?

Also, there is a problem with recognising option sets, I get this error : “Error connecting to a Bubble app: Invalid data for key …”

I saw a post about this, but I couldn’t understand how to fix this, they said we need to download the app JSON and manually find the underlaying ID of the optionset ?? How do you achieve that ?

What are you returning from this call?
Can you share more details about what you are trying to do?

I used a workaround, and passed the Option sets display and it works, however I have an everlasting error on my app…:blush: