I got a page with 5, graphs, each one representing different data from a specific week.
The users can click +1/-1 weeks to filter all graphs to the next/previous week.
The “+1/-1 week” buttons exist in several locations on the page and have the same functionality everywhere: they change all graph’s dates simultaneously
I turned the buttons to be a reusable element because they do the exact same thing.
The problem: once I use them as a reusable element they don’t seem to recognize the groups they reference in the workflow settings or in the conditions settings. I get issues reported for every place this reusable element is referencing an element from its original page where it was first created.
The weird thing is - they still work just fine. but with a lot of “issues” reported of not recognizing all the elements they are connected to.
I believe I can solve this by referencing a relative group (“group’s parent”) instead of referencing a specific group that is not located with the reusable element.
- Is this the way? did anyone encounter something similar?