Rich Postmark Emails

Looking for help setting up Rich Postmark Emails plugin. I’m not seeing any documentation for setting this up.

I created a Postmark account and pasted my Server API token code in the server key field on the Rich Postmark Emails plugin page. I verified the DKIM and return-path on the DNS server for my email address.

In the From field for the Postmark - Send Email part of my backend workflow, I put the email address that I’m working with through the Postmark account (verified). All other fields have been filled out.

Email will not send. What’s going on? What should I be looking for as a reason this is not working?

Any errors in the server logs? Any history on Postmark showing it was sent?

For Postmark, my first server shows that it’s never been used even though I’ve executed the operation four times. No errors in the server logs.

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