Forgive me if this sounds silly, however, I was wondering whether I could use this plugin to create a new user from Salesforce or at least a new data type?
Hello there @jamesbond, we don’t have this type of actions in our plugin, we will analyse use cases of that functionality and then maybe we will add this calls on the next update, but you have to know that we have other priorities.
Hi, Levon! I bought this plugin, configured everything according to the instructions. Everything works on the demo page, but not on my page. An error occurs during authorization: error = redirect_uri_mismatch & error_description = redirect_uri% 20must% 20match% 20configuration
I’ll be grateful for the hint! What I’m doing wrong?
Love this! We’re actually about to do this from scratch for Announcefly. @levon, does the plugin support the end user connecting their account or is this possible? I.e we’d like our users to be able to connect their Salesforce account to our SaaS so they can export data to it.
When trying to log to my salesforce, i’ve got the following error : “OAUTH_APPROVAL_ERROR_GENERIC” and error_description=the+requested+scope+is+not+allowed
Hey Team @ZeroqodeSupport - it looks like the Oauth scope options have changed here since you made the manual. Any idea which we should be including for the plugin to work as intended here?
Hi team @ZeroqodeSupport - a bit more information on the above. I’ve chosen what I think is the best option on the Scope side here and I’m getting a “requested scope is not allowed” error message. I’m guessing that the scope request is coming from within your plugin, so it would be good to know what you’re sending so I can solve this.
I’ve tried to log in to your forum on your site, but your changed login flow won’t let me either log in or sign up with my existing credentials, which is why I’m trying to address this here instead.
Hello, @brian
Thanks for reaching out and using our plugin.
We carefully analyzed your requirements and would like to note the next points:
The issue from the screenshot is related not to the plugin functionality, but to the authorization in your SalesForce account. It can be related to your credentials or access. Thus, please check this thing
Please make sure you have added the required Available OAuth Scopes to your account, like: