Search results not populating

I’m trying to use a search box to populate stories that contain the key word or words that are entered. I’ve tested it using the below setup I found in a tutorial, but it’s still not working. When I hit enter, the search entry disappears and the repeating group does not change. What am I missing?

Why are you using a search box for this?

Seeing as you haven’t checked the ‘Allow Entries not in list when typing’ box, only values found in the database will be accepted.

In any case, just use a regular text input here.

Thanks - checking that box worked. But why would using a regular text input be better?

A text input just outputs a text value.

A Searchbox is usually used to select from a predefined list (either a static list of texts, or a list of ‘Things’ from the database).

In your case, you’re not using the search box for anything other than outputting a text value, so it’s superfluous to requirements - although if it works, then there’s no need to change it.