Send mail to everyone?

Hi !
What is the correct way to send an email to all my users ?
At the moment, I have a scheduled backend workflow that sends one email and I use the ‘workflow on a list’ and ‘current time’ as date, but I always end up with this error :

I know some of the emails have been sent, but I have no way to know if it / when it stopped…
Am I doing something wrong ?
What is the correct way of doing it ?
Thank you very much

Schedule workflows on a list is unreliable if you have a lot of entries. Depending on how many users you have, I would recommend one of the following:

  1. Instead of scheduling your workflow on a list, use recursive workflows
    [New Feature] Scheduling API workflows can now be done recursively
    This is more reliable as it sends the mails one by one, but also takes more time if you have a lot of users.

  2. Alternatively, find an email api that allows you to send a batch of emails with a single api call. I think Postmark allows up to 500 recipients in a single call (which you could combine with the recursive workflow described in step 1 to send batches of 500 mails).

Sorry, I forgot to say that I had 600+ users at the moment…
It’s not that much so it seems weird that it can’t process that correctly…
But I’ll look into this recursive workflows, thanks very much :+1: