Sequence of Workflow Events

Hi all, have tried searching but can’t find anything definitive.

In principle, my understanding is that we can’t rely on Workflow steps to execute in the order they are listed. However, I’m wondering if we can at least rely on them to be all executed before a ‘Go To Page’ action?

I have a sign up form which captures information over several groups (I have a multi-step form with different steps shown/hidden).

On the final step, when the user selects “Post my job” the following happens:

  1. Create thing A
  2. Create thing B
  3. Create thing C
  4. Schedule API Workflow on a List of Things
  5. Go to Page (Customer Dashboard)

Can I rely on steps 1-4 executing and completing before the navigation happens (Step 5)? What happens if a redirect occurred while say Step 2 is creating - would this finish because it has already commenced, or would it be interrupted if it was using values from inputs on the page?

I read that if I change steps 1-3 to be custom events then these would complete before the Go to Page executes, is this also correct?


triggered but maybe not executed (finished) but likely bubble has a smart approach to ensuring if the go to page action exists that the workflows prior completed before sending to new page

If you use previous step values they will finish before navigating


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