Serious problem with Merge and Sync Branches

I have a total of 5 branches + 1 Main branch

Taking Example of a serious problem I encountered.

Here is a specific Use Case which I am facing a problem:

  1. New Pages were added in Main
  2. New Pages were added in Branch X
  3. On Some pages changes were done in Main
  4. Settings were modified for the app, from font to color pallete etc
  5. New Data things were added in Branch X

Now before I merge changes from Branch X to Main,

I Synced - Branch X with Main (so that all the changes in settings and new plugins added would not conflict with Main)

The new pages created in Main were not added to the branch (Do not know the reason for this, even now it is not happening…So I assumed that only pages which are there in X and if any changes done there, will reflect in the Sync). Thinking this is good I moved on with the Sync.

Now when I merge Branch X to Branch Main → the new pages created on Branch Main have got DELETED! (It shows as a non-conflict in merge)

Mentioning the page is removed

I had to immediately restore to the save point.

But the problem is now My Branch X is different and now Main is different. There is no way for me to successfully merge it.


Is there a possibility that pages with open Issues are NOT MERGED or SYNCED when I am doing the Sync?

@emmanuel or any other experienced person who can help me out?

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