Serious problem with Merge and Sync Branches

I have a total of 5 branches + 1 Main branch

Taking Example of a serious problem I encountered.

Here is a specific Use Case which I am facing a problem:

  1. New Pages were added in Main
  2. New Pages were added in Branch X
  3. On Some pages changes were done in Main
  4. Settings were modified for the app, from font to color pallete etc
  5. New Data things were added in Branch X

Now before I merge changes from Branch X to Main,

I Synced - Branch X with Main (so that all the changes in settings and new plugins added would not conflict with Main)

The new pages created in Main were not added to the branch (Do not know the reason for this, even now it is not happening…So I assumed that only pages which are there in X and if any changes done there, will reflect in the Sync). Thinking this is good I moved on with the Sync.

Now when I merge Branch X to Branch Main → the new pages created on Branch Main have got DELETED! (It shows as a non-conflict in merge)

Mentioning the page is removed

I had to immediately restore to the save point.

But the problem is now My Branch X is different and now Main is different. There is no way for me to successfully merge it.


Is there a possibility that pages with open Issues are NOT MERGED or SYNCED when I am doing the Sync?

@emmanuel or any other experienced person who can help me out?

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If I understand correctly, when you Synced - Branch X with Main (before you merged Branch X into Main) then the new pages from Main should have been added to Branch X but the new pages in Branch (that were not in Main) should have been deleted.

Not sure if I understood totally, but maybe this helps

Thanks for the reply,

What I meant was that changes done to Main, are getting lost if I merge a branch to main, and if changes were done in Main

This includes everything : Styles, Colors, Groups even some Option Sets dont get merged.

What I learn is that one should not make changes to Main, after branching out - they should only make changes in the branches and keep syncing every week.

I have escalated to the Bubble Support Team. They are clue less about how to go ahead with the changes.

my 2 cents on the whole experience of Merge and Sync functionality is still prone to lot of improvements and changes.

And only the very experienced people here should be using it.

The experience tries to replicate that of Github, but it just wont work that way.

I see! I haven’t had any issues myself, we used to make changes on both Main and other branches. We did ensure to make changes on separate pages and workflows though. But even still, we have changed to only making changes on branches then merging them into Main.

Thanks for the info though, we will now know to be careful with things like Styles, Colors and Option Sets, which I can see how they could behave differently than other aspects of the app