Hi there, @argent.uk … I don’t have a solution here, but you are not alone on this one…
Morning Bubblers
Anyone managed to get SetFocus to work on Chrome on iOS. I get the input box outlined when I SetFocus but you still need to click into the box to get the keyboard to appear.
Ideally I want the keyboard to popup as focus is set to an input box?
Any work arounds for this?
Hi there,
In my workflow, I use the block set focus on input. This works perfectly on my browser and android devices, but not on iOS. According to other forums Apple has an issue with that, but there are some workarounds to be done on the code. Does anyone know how to solve that via bubble?
I have seen several threads prior to 2019 talking about this issue (that the workflow “set focus on an input” doesn’t works on iOS, but does work on computer (tested) and Android) but I haven’t seen yet someone who came up with an answer/workaround for this.
Is this issue still unresolved ?
Thank you very much, I’m very interested in any workarounds that could exist.
Oh, and a Google search turned up lots of stuff on the topic, including folks trying to “fake” the focus because it seems like it’s something Apple really doesn’t want you to do.
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