Setting up Stripe, hints & tips?

Hey so I have setup stripe and got the initial test setup working, i.e. I seem to be able to subscribe to my product on stripe on sign up and make the changes to the users app data to update their records.

I was hoping to get some questions cleared up…

  1. If the card used is no longer active how does this affect my user and their subscription. Does Stripe notify automatically and ask the user to update card details outside of Bubble without my intervention?

  2. How dynamic is the subscription data. E.g. I have subscription status, end date, etc… in the user app data and this allows me to hide/show premium content. How is the data updated? Is it done automatically? Do I need to set something else up?

  3. How does invoicing work, I assume that Stripe will now take the payment on the subscription end date and email the user with an invoice? Do I need to set anything up to make sure this happens?

Is there anything else I need to think of or do to get this set up for production?

Also it seems to say in Stripe that I need to host a file at .well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association on Bubble but during testing, paying with Apple Pay seems to work fine. Am I missing anything here?
