SQL Database Connector - Connecting to wrong IP


I’m using the plugin SQL Database Connector to connect to my external data base.

Here how I set it up :

However, I have this error


But as you can see, SQL Database Connector is trying to connect to the wrong IP that I didn’t gave. The IP keep changing whenever I try to connect.

I really don’t understand how to solve this.

Thanks for your help

The database firewall is rejecting the Bubble server’s IP.

To solve, the database whitelist needs to have the range of Bubble’s server IPs, or allow a larger range of IPs, or allow any IP and rely on user/password.

You can discuss with Bubble support what their range of IPs are. I can guess that their reply will be “Sure, here is the range, for an app on the dedicated plan”

My database is not protected at all, there is no restriction.

I’m using API instead but it’s was not my prefered choice