I try to call a stored procedure with 3 parameters IN + 1 parameter OUT.( p_message_out for eg)
SQL connector doesn’t like the OUT parameter so I’ve been advised to set all my parameters as IN parameters and to do a select at the end of my procedure to get my data back.
I did that and set my Query in the connector as “use as both”
I manage to call my procedure that executes perfectly but no way to get the answer back.
Did anyone manage to get answer from stored procedure that were called for action ?
Below, screen shots and message to support
1/ in my SQL , I did not set any OUT parameters as It is not allowed by your plugin
I set 4 parameters as In parameters and at the end of procedure I wrote a select to get the answer in the last parameter :
SET p_MessageOut=‘everything not so good’;
SELECT p_MessageOut;
If I call it I get :
2/ In bubble plug in , I initialized my procedure call like this :
3/ in the workflow
First I call my procedure
4/ Then I try to get the result back : how to do it ?
I set a group to receive the response :
And I tried to display it :