Status update: Bubble app emailing via free/shared Sendgrid down

@chad postmark is very strict. They automatically check your domain sender reputation. Any red flags they deny you.

Postmark is the ideal route but Mailgun is a happy medium. If you know for a fact you’re going to need massive scale for sending opted in marketing Amazon SES. It’s very rare I go the SES route, most projects just aren’t large enough for the setup to make sense.

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Was workin on 7am today, but not workin now

Please guys… you can fix it yourself instantly by adding your own API key as is consistently recommended…


Nope. I have my own api key and it’s not working…

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The interesting part is that a domains emails are blocked if that domain is hosted by Bubble. Other emails go thru.

No… that makes 0 sense. If you’re using SendGrid, your own API key, your own domain, have you verified your domain with DKIM, SPF, DMARC?

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It’s working fine for me.

What can I tell you… I’ve used Sendgrid for years. Nothing changed my side. Just started blocking my emails a few days ago.

Seems like potentially a deliverability issue then. Have you checked your SendGrid logs?

Hey! This is still an issue for us. We have a “Send email” backend workflow that goes down a list of seller emails and emails them for each item ordered in a customer order. It worked just fine last night but today it didn’t work at all- We can always switch over to having our own API keys, but its unfortunate as today was the second day of our soft launch, and now we have to send seller confirmation emails manually.

Is anyone else still having this issue?

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@smita20b Switch to your own keys and follow my instructions here.

Hey! Will do

If I make that switch will emails that have not been sent, send again? Or will it just be a fix for everything going forward?

Moving forward

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Hey!..We also have had our Sendgrid api key verified and smoothly configured in bubble settings and for sending mails we have api endpoints for sendgrid which seems to be working fine and we have kept that for regular site notification mails… but for some we were also using bubble’s send email like the site maintainance mails(which we can sacrifice for a period) but most importantly the FORGOT PASSWORD email which can be only sent through bubble is the thing we don’t have control on because we don’t have access to the user’s passwords as per bubble’s security measure and we can’t send it through our own api nor we want to sacrifice user’s privacy if we think of some other alternate like sending otp or setting a temporary password… also we have noticed a user behaviour of frequently changing password through forgot password and then reseting it through mail… and this particluar mail has had to be bubble’s

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You can use reset tokens to send from any provider.
Refer to my link here as well as the bubble manual.

This is according to the Sendgrid logs: error dialing remote address: dial tcp> i/o timeout. Clearly a communication issues between Sendgrid and Bubble

I had the same issue. On the 31st of May around 7 pm my user should have got a password reset email, but the user only got it on the 1st of May around 1 pm.

The user tried to get a new password reset on the 3rd of May at 11 am, but no email arrived yet. Is there a day delay in the system now?

Why should people implement their own API keys on Sendgrid if the default bubble email-sending feature was enough for their use case? It is the main feature of the no-code system… that’s what people pay for.

Because the default Bubble emailing feature is simply a pre-configured API call to the Sendgrid API to send an email. If you are not using your own Sendgrid account API keys, you are using Bubbles’ sendgrid account, but if you are using your own Sendgrid account API keys then you are sending through your sendgrid account.

It is not the main feature of Bubble systems, that is the editor. The send email workflow action works fine as Bubble has it setup, but users do not seem to understand the need to use their own Sendgrid account to send emails consistently, as Bubble has nothing to do with the deliverability of the emails, and that lies solely in the hands of Sendgrid, and if you are not using your own Sendgrid account API keys, then you are not doing things correctly on your side which has nothing to do with Bubble.


Hi everyone,

I’m still experiencing issues with this. I’m using the free shared email service. I’ve tried multiple times to create my own API key from SendGrid, but they have denied my request for “security reasons.” They have not provided specific details on why I am not allowed to have an account. I run an ID photo service, so there is nothing questionable about my site. Have any of you expirenced that ? can i do anything to get that default free email service up an running or is it totally out of my hands ? Thank you all

I cannot agree with this. For development, for MVP to test ideas, people chose bubble so do not have to spend time configuring things like this. If you visit Features | Bubble page, the first screenshot shows the send email function, which makes people think it is just one click to implement. I think it should be kept as it is for development as they state it in the official document too.Email settings | Bubble Docs.

For development and even for MVPs, people should not be forced to set up their own Sendgrid account. If yes, then bubble just loses one advantage against traditional programming.

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