Status update: Bubble app emailing via free/shared Sendgrid down

I have had my Sendgrid API key verified for over a year as well as had emails send from my admin email which is all configured in the Bubble settings and now they do not work with the default send email action. I have since created an POST request in my API connector using my send grid api key and am replacing all instances of the send email action with my custom send email action in the api connector. That is the only solution I am aware of. I have reached out to support and they told me to follow the directions here as a workaround until they can resolve the issue. Those are the same directions I followed before and I am still having the problem.

Personally I am using Brevo. Really easy to set up with the zeroqode plugin “Brevo”. The free version of Brevo allow us 300 free mail per day which is more than Postmark or sendgrid I think.

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I wish I would’ve seen this 20 commits ago :frowning:


Thanks @fede.bubble

For benefit of others: I set up Sendgrid API, entered API key and now the native “send email” action is working. However, From address seems to be fixed and that’s weird actually. I may want to send different emails with different From address.

Is there a way to connect Bubble to an SMTP server?

Hey @fede.bubble , when do you think the issue will be resolved? I set up own Sendgrid API connected to Bubble, and still, it doesn’t work. Emails are not delivered. My app is dependent on emails and I’m stuck right now…:frowning:

best course of action for anybody now and always has been is to setup your own sendgrid account, which can be a free account, and use your own API keys

Unfortunately, I think it doesn’t help. I set up my own API key and verified email. All good on Sendgrid and Bubble as well. But I didn’t received any email via “send email” workflow in Bubble. Funny thing, I see in my account at Sendgrid that 5 emails were sent. Zero delivered… I don’t know how to solve it…

Most email hosts changed their requirements as of February

Look under “requirements for all senders”

If all of those aren’t completed you need to do them otherwise will send but not deliver. Other providers did this as well.

Also sendgrid is just notorious for having delivery issues specially to Hotmail & outlook. Postmark or mailgun are far better options.

My ultimate bubble email plug-in with multiple providers & a drag and drop builder :raised_hands:



I just checked with the team. They have reached out to sendgrid multiple times and we are waiting for a resolution on their end.

The workaround to this is to set up your own email API key (from Sendgrid, postmark, etc) and set it up for your app:

And as always, please connect with support if you run into any issues


From this week’s Stability Update

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Same here.

Yall should ping them on Twitter.

One of the many reasons I switched from Sendgrid years ago was because of this — the lack of response from them (main reason was deliverability).

But in the past, when I needed to get a hold of them, pinging them on Twitter would get their attention better than email could.

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Maybe they emailed Bubble back, but it was never delivered :wink:


Bahahahha so real :joy: I think Sendgrid/Twilio use Zendesk tho so it’s usually delivered. Both Sendgrid and Twilio have crap response times unless you pay them for a support plan -_-

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New people stumbling onto this thread should check out this other thread by @chris.williamson1996 with solutions to this problem!

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I hate Sendgrid. Bubble should switch to Postmark.



Hi all,

Sendgrid says they have restored our service. Please check your apps to make sure everything is back to normal with your app emails.


Yeah it’s tough sometimes to even get a customer signed up with them. A couple of my recent clients have applied and just got a flat out no you can’t have an account

Mine still does not work. My emails gets blocked…
Sendgrid error dialing remote address: dial tcp> i/o timeout