-- still not solved.-- link, navigation and data on pages from external button

hi guys…

i posted a issue that i couldnt figure how to solve earlier…

and i still havent found a solution on this yet… is there anyone out there there can help me out

if you have a page that is where the user is to be sent, and that page has content type set to ‘quote’ (ie: the data type created for quote)…you can send in the email the link, which using a dynamic expression is possible by referencing the quote link and selecting the page you want them sent to (if there is only one page in app of content type quote you will have only one choice in the dropdown.)…to format a link as clickable text in email use [link=https://www.example.com]CLICK THIS TEXT[/LINK]

the user will see CLICK THIS TEXT and when they click it will navigate them to https://www.example.com

thank you for all your answers and help… i got it solved now and it seems to work :slight_smile:

What was the solution? Also if you found solution consider updating title post

i got in a call with @VersaSync_Studios there helped me out… there was multiple things there needed to be fixed before it all worked as it should… but main issue was to make a URL parameter for the quote entrys unique id and then use the preview link from my seperate page where the quote should display the data so it will be ´https:// www.example.dk/“pagename” ? “parametername”="Unique id"´

and then refenrence to that in the API call to mailgun
and in the parent group when searching for the quote

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