Stripe resume subscription resume API issue

I am trying to initialize Stripe resume subscription resume API on a paused subscription. But I am getting an error that the subscription is not paused. I have tried a few subscriptions with the same error. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Any suggestion?

error: You can only resume a subscription if it is paused.

I think the endpoint you’re using is to resume subscriptions, not payment collections. For a sub to have a paused status it means that it was started as a free trial, didn’t have a payment method, and was configured to be paused rather than be cancelled at the end of the trial period.

Pausing payment collection is different from pausing the subscription and pausing a payment collection cannot result in a sub’s status being changed to paused.

If you want to resume payment collection you can do this:

You can also reference stripe docs for this information: Pause payment collection | Stripe Documentation

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Thanks. That explains it.

I have one issue. The Pause API works and the Resume API doesn’t work. I have verified the result on Stripe. The Pause API can’t seem to pass a blank value for “pause_collection”. So the API below initializes but it doesn’t unset pause_collection. The “pause_collection behavior” that is set when I pause is still there, which should not be there when resumed.

Any idea how I can unset pause_collection, if not set it to blank in the API?

It is still paused.

It seems to be a Bubble issue.

The API works with Postman and the payment collection is resumed.

So this is a Bubble bug. You need to pass in the parameter as raw instead.