Sum API call numbers

Hi, I have a repeating group with data of numbers from an API call (each item is a separate call) - how can I sum all the item numbers since it’s an API and not actually saved in the data base there no option to sum the numbers…?

Data from API is just like data from the DB, in that all operators available in dynamic expressions to DB data of specific type (ie: difference between dates, addresses or numbers have different operators) are available to data from API in dynamic expressions.

So if your data from API is of type number you can use the :sum operator.

Hi, thanks for taking the time to answer, I’ve tried to simply use the Sum operator but the item that I’m trying to sum dose not appear - I only see the items that are saved in the database - attaching screenshot.

I’m not sure how to make the data API call as a number since the call is coming with Mora data and I use the filter operator to fetch the specific number for each item