May 22, 2017, 10:56am
Some other posts on this topic:
A total field for each record is the currently popular way to do this.
If you want to try the Toolbox’s “List Item Expression”:
field("Quantity") * field("Price") * field("Tax%") / 100
This will give a list of totals which you can then :sum.
Hello all,
I am trying to figure out how to get my list of things in my data to be placed into an email ,but the list be split by row within the email. Right now it is split by column.
Currently this is my list in my database:
Here is the email I get:
I instead would like it to read:
2 box(es) Pens in 1 wk.
1 box(es) Bottled water in 2 wks.
Any help would be appreciated!
More alternatives in this post: API calls, and API workflow…
If the nested array is being sent from a server action, i.e. not from a browser action, then your options are limited to either:
Build up the string or parts of it before the API call, and store it ready to send.
For example, as each price item is created or updated, create a string of the JSON object { amount, currency, tax }. Then all the strings can be retrieved in a list.
Another example is to use the List Item Expression to build up the whole list from a Browser action, and store …
Plus the Bubble function SUMPRODUCT might handle it okay, keeping in mind that it expects two lists of the same length, they don’t have to have fields from the same table.
Edit - Oops I just saw your update, haha. Hopefully this is useful for reference.
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