📷 SVG Convertor - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hi, I have an issue with SVG convertor:

The plugin SVG Converter / action Render Image a SVG Converter threw the following error: serializeToString@[native code]


@https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/0782d9a46ea54563b7ae80f08871e2f6b2fddaaa54cd392b703eddf5ec7aa559/xfalse/x15:6:2260501 (please report this to the plugin author)

Hello @annae.novikova

Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce your issue on our demo page. For us to reproduce your issue, I would like to kindly ask you to show us your settings of the plugin’s element, workflows(plugin’s actions). Also, if you can send us any valuable information (screenshots, videos) which might help to reproduce your issue on our side.

Looking forward to your reply.

Zeroqode Support Team