[TEMPLATE] Essential Starter - All the Basics

After wasting my time many times doing the same things for each and every new Bubble app I have built, I made up my mind. This must be my last time building a signup / login page, a user profile page, an onboarding process as well as a responsive header and footer (with all the necessary workflows). And this has to be made available to others too. So I published my first template.

The template is called “Essential - Starter” and you can find it here . As its name says, it is essential (no fancy graphics) and perfect for starting any new project (but you can add it later too with the usual copy and paste).

What makes the difference, in my opinion, from other templates is that with “Essential - Starter” you have all the generic custom types already in place, all the workflows are running quickly with no errors (or at least I hope so … :wink:) and there are also some best practices applied within the template that you can take away as lessons on how to use some advanced features (like a correct use of the options set or the translations of the app in more languages).

Anyway, what this template does is to save you tens of hours building the same login / signup page, user profile page, onboarding process page. It comes with an admin portal page too, where you can easily upload your app logos, give a name to your app, customize your login / signup page, header, footer and the onboarding process too. But you better take a look at it.

Template Demo Preview: https://template-starter.bubbleapps.io/

Template Bubble Page : Essential - Starter Template | Bubble

PS: I forgot to say that the template comes with two default languages (ENG and ITA). Of course the value is not in the translation itself but in the multi language model built in. You can easily change Italian to another language of your choice or maybe add a third language following the same steps.

PPSS: feel free to ask any question here below. I will watch this post to give you my feedback when asked; you can also PM me for anything related to this template. Thank you