I would like to be able to utilise the regex from the above linked forum post to actually check whether the input conforms to the postcode structure and allow the workflow to continue. If it doesn’t, I will display to the user “Postcode is an invalid format”.
How would I actually go about achieving this? I tried “when inputs value extract with regex” but got as far as that as I don’t know what to do and have never used regex!
Finally, if there is a better way and someone has implemented it, I’m all ears!
I like the look of Postcodes.io so will pass the input to that, if status 200 then proceed.
How I do that is a head scratcher. Ive used API’s like Geocode to get address data but in terms of validating data without a particular API plugin, I’m in the dark.
Hello. I also had a problem with registration, but I am from the UK. so it turned out I needed my postcode, I had to look for it because I did not know it and no one in my environment neither did, so I started to google and found a perfect site, there you can find more about postcodes by any address or on the map.