Ultimate Toolkit Plugin “Distance” to calculate the distance between two coordinates?

Has anyone used the free plugin Ultimate Toolkit Plugin | Bubble - Action “Distance” to calculate the distance between two coordinates?

I have tried but can’t get it to work. I don’t need a map or anything fancy at all.

  1. I have a demo list o1f 10 UK towns.
  2. I want the user to be able to use dropdown A to select a town
  3. Use dropdown B to select destination town
  4. Use dropdown to select max distance willing to travel
  5. Click “Show” and see the towns within the radius.

I don’t want to go down the API route so am interested to know if anyone else got this plugin to work?

You need to indicate coordinates in the plugin action and the distance will be referencable in the the following actions.

Thank you. I just realised I put an incorrect list of what I need, it’s actually simpler:

  1. I want the user to be able to use dropdown A to select a town
  2. Use dropdown B to select max distance willing to travel
  3. See the towns within the radius.

You mentioned that I need to indicate coordinates in the plugin action, but I am a newby and don’t know what that means. To begin with, I have created an Option set list of about 100 towns. That option set is called UK Towns and cities.

I have two drop downs on my home page (data viewable by anyone) which I am firstly trying to get to work before diving into any distance calculations.

Dropdown 1 is a static list of all the UK Towns and cities and it successfully filters the correct Event cards. However, the placeholder “All UK” disappears when a selection is made. I have an active question seeking help for this here

Dropdown 2 is a custom dropdown with option set. I thought if I can make a custom design, I may be able to resolve the issue above as well as have something looking nicer. But, I followed a Bubble help video and couldn’t get that to work. I have an active question seeking help for this here

I use a custom state (of type number) to store the Distance action’s output

Then have a text element which shows the custom state’s value

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 7.40.23 AM

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Thank you for screenshots, that makes it very clear.