Unique URL parameter

Hi again,

I am stuck and I need help. I want my clients to be able to go into a project details. To pull up their specific projects, I’m trying to use URL parameters. Like the projects unique ID in the url but I can’t seem to be to show it on the preview.

Also, whenever I refresh a page that has a url parameter, it goes blank. Why this?

Please help.

If pressing the preview button, the parameter will need to be added to the URL manually…or setup a button to trigger the go to page action to set the parameter and click that button after your preview opens.

It should not. You must have some kind of workflow that does that on page load.

Sorry my bad explanation.

In the URL, the unique ID is visible and matches the projects ID. But I can’t seem to find a condition that shows this group at that point.

I’ve deleted all the workflows connected to page load and still getting a blank page…

Condition would be ‘Get Data from Page URL’ then select the URL parameter in question, and complete the expression with ‘is not empty’ and make it so the group is visible.

Sooo close to my solution. Thank you very much!

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