Since the last 24 hours, all UNIX timestamps from API, are getting stored in DB as 1970.
This is a bug on Bubble side.
My app has stayed unchanged for the last 6 months and everything worked fine. And since yesterday, all dates are getting stored as 1970.
Confirming that API response is unchanged.
Simple Workflow -
API Call → Get Timestamp (UNIX) → Create New Thing in DB
Issue is date is getting saved as 1970.
In my API call I’ve marked the timestamp as ‘UNIX’ already - and it has been working fine for the last 6 months. No changes were made to the app (no updates), and since yesterday its saving as 1970.
Confirming that others are facing the same bug.
Contacted Bubble support but haven’t gotten a response.
Thanks for creating a dedicated post. Not sure it makes sense for me to report a bug as well?
In my case the API is Chargebee, which returns timestamps in seconds. I believe Stripe is an even more widely-used API that returns timestamps in seconds.
Seems quite bold to suddenly change the behavior of the date (UNIX) API response filed type (before a 3-day weekend…). From the other thread you can see that it’s been behaving this way (converting timestamps that are in seconds into bubble dates) since at least 2021, and that users could already convert timestamps that are in milliseconds using the date field type.
It’s breaking things in production. In the last working hour on Friday afternoon already 9 customers didn’t receive the quote they expected. I hope this gets resolved by the end of the weekend… That’s just our story but I imagine we’re not alone.
I was going to try to replicate this issue. Can you elaborate on the Get Timestamp (UNIX) step?
If the type for the timestamp field is set to date (UNIX) in the API Connector, then the value the Bubble editor “sees” should be a regular Bubble date type. As such, I don’t quite understand the reference to Get Timestamp (UNIX) when saving to the DB (assuming the DB field you’re saving the value into is of type date).
Setup API Connector
Make an API Call to any endpoint that gives UNIX timestamp [Stripe, Instagram, etc]
Within API Connector - when you initialize the call, within the pop-up mark this UNIX response as ‘date (UNIX)’
Now, with a workflow, when you get response from API, save this ‘date’ into a table (the field is set as ‘date’) and it will come up as 1970
And this is a sudden, uninformed change done by Bubble. It was working flawlessly for ages.
Here I confirm I found out hard way. All my events which I fetch from 3rd party start in 1970. So yes Bubble has 100% bug with unix / api connector. Serious bug. Its really easy to reproduce with API get unix date and everytime you will get same date and it is 21. January 1970. API is TicketTailor Ticket Tailor API | Ticket Tailor
e.g. next_occurence_date - unix
Ok, thanks for the clarification, guys. That’s what I thought was meant. I agree it’s a major issue. Unfortunately, I’m unable to reproduce it. I’ve tried making the call from both a frontend and backend wf, and I get the expected result.
I’m puzzled as to what’s different about my setup. In an effort to distill things down to the simplest working example, I’m making the API call to my own app, but that shouldn’t matter.
I guess it’s possible the code changes are part of a gradual rollout so as not to impact the entire Bubbleverse if there are any issues. Maybe I’m in the cohort that hasn’t seen the changes yet.
Just for the halibut, has anyone tried reinitializing the API call to see if that remedies the issue?
This same issue hit my app. I opened a support ticket 2 days ago before there were any posts on the forum about it. Support confirmed they could reproduce / see the issue in my app and said they forwarded it to the appropriate Bubble team for investigation (but that team only works Mon-Friday) and with Monday a holiday in the U.S.A not sure when it will get seen. So debating if I wait and hope they fix it soon or try and augment it with a 3rd party plugin…
I deleted the API call from the API connector, and set it up fresh all over again.
Tried to re-initialize several times.
I even thought maybe the endpoint changed their API response so I cross tested with 3 different APIs - compared the response to old data I had saved somewhere - and confirmed no API responses have changed either.
Still no response from Bubble regarding my bug report. Hopefully they reply to one of you guys.
API Call → You Get Response → You Add to DB (but here for the ‘date’ field in your DB, put ‘get data from external API’ and choose SecondsToDate (insert dynamic value from your API response) and then you’re good.
The first one gives the expected result when marked as date (UNIX), but the one in the list does not. BTW, the issue manifests even when displaying data straight from the API on the front end.
Pure Bubble Workaround
Following is a “pure Bubble” workaround. Conceptually, it’s quite straightforward (and has the same effect as the plugin). Just use number instead of date (UNIX) for the timestamp fields when initializing the API call and then add add that value to the UNIX epoch, which has a timestamp of zero.
Here are the steps…
Make sure the timestamps in the API data are initialized as type number instead of date (UNIX).
Go to the EpochConverter site and enter zero next to the button labeled Timestamp to Human date. That will give you the local time which corresponds to a timestamp of zero. Stated another way, it gives you the UINIX epoch expressed in local time.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter exactly what you see in the screenshots above, but rather what appears for you when you enter zero into the input on the EpochConverter site. The date and time you enter will depend on your timezone, but the value saved - i.e. zero - will be the same regardless of your timezone. The idea is to get a date with a timestamp of zero into your app.
Now just use an expression like the following before displaying or saving the date value.
This will continue to work after a fix is deployed, but of course, you should revert the workaround at that time, which will require reinitializing the call and updating the expressions.
This approach may or may not be easier than the plugin, but it comes with the bonus of now having a reference to the UNIX epoch in your app, which might come in handy in the future.
@fede.bubble if you think this thread could expedite a fix, please point the Bubble team to it.
I’m deeply concerned about the lack of response from the Bubble Support team regarding this bug. It’s been several days since this issue was first reported, and many users (including myself) have submitted support requests without receiving any meaningful updates or resolution.
This is not a minor inconvenience—our apps are currently unusable due to this bug, as critical workflows relying on UNIX timestamps are failing. It’s unacceptable for such a serious issue to go unresolved for this long, especially considering that this is clearly a platform-level bug and not an isolated case.
Here’s what makes this even more frustrating:
Multiple users have confirmed this issue in the forum, showing it’s not specific to any app.
The problem has rendered core functionalities of many apps completely broken, which is a major disruption to businesses relying on Bubble.
We’ve provided sufficient evidence (screenshots, test cases, etc.) to demonstrate the bug, yet there’s been no visible progress or acknowledgment from Bubble Team.