We’ve made managing your email easier than ever in bubble!
No more need for multiple email plugins
- Allow users to build custom responsive web safe emails directly in your bubble app
- Send emails using Sendgrid, Postmark, Mailgun, and more to come
- Bulk send emails to hundreds/thousands of addresses
- Custom merge/display tags built in
- Export HTML/JSON to send, save to edit later, or as templates
- Export PDF/JPG for display thumbnails
- Multi Language Support
- Easy Setup
- AI Text integration
- Custom Elements/tools (advanced setup)
- Works with any plugin or email sending provider that allows you to send HTML
- Load custom fonts
What We’ve used it for:
- Email building/sending in our CRMs
- Admin Panel transactional email managment
- Contract builder & Signature capture
- Single Page Landing Page Builder (Link Tree style & sales page style)
Take it for a test drive
Preview: Bubble | No-code apps
Editor: Drag-drop-email-builder | Bubble Editor
How to setup
In your app Settings - general - export option to add HTML attribute ID
Drop builder element on the page & give an HTML ID of “editor”
Add a button on page or action on load to “standard initialize builder” include unlayer ID if you have one.
Setup flows using actions for your use case to export, save, send, etc.
Getting Blank Exports?
“Export” isn’t always instant and can take a couple seconds. To avoid saving blank values please add either a UX break between your export and save action similar to the demo OR add a pause action between export and save of at least 3 seconds.
This plugin is managed & monitored any issues are addressed within 24 hours
- Should you have issues setting it up please firstly refer to the demo page above.
- If you’re still having issues drop your questions in the thread below or private message me directly.
Need custom/advanced Integration or done for you setup?
Offered on a per hour basis. Schedule Below.
Booking calendar
Looking for a more advanced Drag & Drop Website, Email Builder, or Flow builder?
Message me directly to discuss what you’re looking for. Currently have 5+ other privately used options.