User Profile Page Direct Link

Hi all, looking for a little help and to see if my quest is possible.

I’ve read countless threads on here spanning over the last few years but cannot seem to find the answer. Maybe my search doesn’t have the right terminology for finding it.

Anyway, im looking for the solution to the following:

Current user profile page: ex: myapp. com/profile/username
Requirement: myapp. com/username

Without using index page or 404 due to SEO issues.

Is there a way?

I’m not a super advance bubble dev but quite capable of most so, if you have the answer, could you show a screenshot or a demo link editor? please.

Thank you in advance.


Off the top of my head, I believe this isn’t possible in vanilla Bubble.

By any chance, is this possible through coalias @gaimed?


I’ve had a look at coalias. That’s a possible next step for custom domains etc and subs. But the page url is currently /u/username, i’d like the scrap the /u/ and have just /username see. cleaner for the type of platform i’m building.

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Yes. Thats possible. Just need to create a route for that. Let me know if you need help

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Is that with Coalias or standard bubble? @gaimed

With coalias

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Ok, sounds good. Do I need a certain plan for this one url?