Value loaded in field from db1 is not stored in db2

I have a form which is connected to a parentgroup where users put in values, which are stored in db1. There are two fields, a searchbox and an input field that are connected to db2. The user will search a name + id from db2, which is loaded in these two fields.
In summary, the user will have 30 fields which is new information entered by the user, and 2 fields with information loaded from db2.
When saving, everything gets saved from the input fields, except the values retrieved into the fields from a db2 entry.
I checked n-times everything. The logic, type of things, everything is fine.

Why won’t those 2 fields with retrieved information from db2 not be stored in the db1? Is that because these 2 fields are within the db1 parent group form?

You think that every thing is ok, but it is not, some screenshots for the whole parts may help to figure out where you made a mistake.

Use the step by step debugger when when clicking the button to save the form. That should tell you what’s going on