Voice Chat Help

Hello. So I am trying to create a voice chat in bubble but I don’t know the script. Can someone help me script a voice chat? My discord is daonlyryry#2571

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Are you talking about calling? or… can you be more specific?

so basically zello, discrd vc’s, ot teamspeak but in bubble

Not 100% sure if voice chatting is available, but video chatting is available utilizing Twilio.

ok thanks. this may be dumb question but that would include voice correct?

Yes. Video and Voice.

ok thanks. also do u know how to script a vc? because i think its possible if u script it but idk how to script anything lol

Nope, but someone in Jobs / Freelance might be able to. Be ready with a high budget.

lol ok thanks so much for ur help. stay healthy and safe

You too :blush:

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