What happened to Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements in the Settings Tab

I’m not able to find the Checkbox in Settings for Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements in the Settings Tab. Is this no longer available in Bubble?

I checked two of my projects and for the life of me I can not find them there.

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This is what it used to look like:

And this is what it looks like for me now:

Hi there, @vadim.vozmitsel… a while back, they moved it all the way to the bottom of the Settings >> General tab into a section called Advanced options. It is literally the last option on the page.


@mikeloc Ah ok, makes sense. Weirdly enough, in both my Chrome and Safari, I see the Advanced Options heading text in my Settings > General, but then am not able to scroll down to actually see any content beneath the heading line divider.

This is what it looks like for me:

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When something weird happens like that, it can often be a browser zoom issue… check to see if your browser zoom is at 100%.

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Super weird. Just reset the zoom in both browsers and still same, the heading is there but cuts off at content. I’ll ping support but thank you for chiming in so quickly, I spent 20 minutes looking through all settings pages trying to find it.

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Can someone help me figure out how to get access to settings/ general advanced options, I need to add ID attribute to HTML elements. I checked the General Settings page and don’t see the option to Enable timezone override controls anywhere…

There appears to be a UX Bug currently, where all the checkboxes are invisible…

But they are there (you just can’t see them).

If you move your mouse pointer around at the far right edge of the area you’ve outlined in red, you should see it change to a finger/pointer… so you’ll know you’ve found the checkbox.

Posting screen capture here for posterity.
Thank you @adamhholmes !

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