What to hire a developer bubble web app and mobile app development

Hi all, I started a web application on Bubble with a developer but his performance does not satisfy me. I have a project to complete in 2 months I think (for the web part) as well as an ios and android mobile application (very basic). I would like to have an experienced developer on Bubble who works 100% for me for 2 months, 8h / day. I await your proposals

contact me with your experience in bubble web and mobile app

I hope you are doing well
Surely, we can assist you on your requirements.
Please Reach me on my Email- Sofia [at] cisinlabs [dot] com] or s k y. p E - sofia_6831

Hi Sourav,

Any idea what the salary budget is for the project?


hi there,

dmed you! feel free to also email me: alexis.tirado@roundpegs.com

You could always post on jobsinlowcode.com
