Will do when a condition is true reduce performance

Does having multiple ‘do when a condition true’ (run only once) workflows on a page slow down the page or reduce performance in any way?

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I believe a tiny bit yes, but they can be pretty useful, and if you’re not using them then you’d still have to have alternatives built in right? maybe if its a lot of them it could eventually become an issue but you could do some tests with GTmetrix etc to see if there is any tangible difference?

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It’s a core part of Bubble development. Use them.

Things to look out for when considering performance are things like how much data you load and when.

The Bubble manual covers these topics well enough.


It could depending on when bubble evaluates that expression along side everything else going on in your app.

The event will likely not slow things down unless you had an Fton of these events evaluating a bunch of different conditions. Especially if those require you to call data from the db before you can evaluate the expression.

If it isn’t a gating thing, for example, and can wait a second, I like using “when loaded above the fold AND [insert second condition here]


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