Hello @gaffneyantonio ,
I am very happy for you that you have been able to launch it on the stores. For a no tech, should be such a pleasure haha. I am a non-tech too. I had a look there is no professional in France but it seems to work well !
I have a few questions on BDK, and @gaurav did not have the time to answer yet.
Push notifications : I finally succeeded to do the push notifications on the preview mode. But I still do not know what I would have to do when I will have to publish my app. I have already created a OneSignal account, and entered the API in the plugin. But do I need to do something else ?
Tablets : I have a question concerning the tablets, is it possible to have a different version of the app for the mobile and tablet ? Because I have two versions of the product for mobile and computer. And is it possible to do a version which is not responsive to tablet ?
Header : Moreover I do not get the idea of the Native Header. Because I already have a header and a footer for my app. Do I need to reproduce my header on the native app ? Which does not seem to be possible because I can only put a label or an image. Or if I say, I do not need a header, I will have nothing above my own header on the native. Because I do not want to have the logo of BDK on my own native app. I hope, I am clear.
Have a nice one,
Thank you in advance, if you took the time to answer,