Bubble UK SCC and Data Processing Agreement DPA

Bubble as of yesterday updated their DPA to reflect UK adopting European SCCs.

From liaising with Bubble, we would like to thank Emmanuel, Malcolm and the rest of the Bubble team involved in this matter, for their support in getting this in place.

This has assured many of our clients based in the UK, that Bubble are always willing to consider/accommodate where they can.

From speaking with solicitors, this should be suffice, up until the UK release their own specific guidelines, which ironically (discovered also yesterday) that the UK Government are taking the following position expected 21st March, re adopting the following addendum as a transfer tool for data to US. But as always if situated in the United Kingdom, to take your own legal advice on the matter.


This removes a tonne of angst.:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: Why Bubble didn’t announce such vital news……? @exception-rambler


I am sure they are planning too. It is only just released :slight_smile:

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