FLOPPY: Plugin for localStorage, sessionStorage, IndexedDB storage, List Creation/Manipulation, Iteration, and More! Now with even more video docs!

MORE FLOPPY VIDEO DOCS: Here’s a video talking about a not-uncommon problem: How can we sort some list of Things based on the number of items in some list-type subfield? (Heck, how can we even get a :count for each of those fields!?) Floppy’s “Utility: Count Each Field/Sort Action” helps to solve this.

(Note: In the last part of this video, I found a little bug with using “Custom Count List” and fixed it, but that fix is in Floppy version 1.8.9 which for some reason is under review with Bubble, so it’s not available just yet. Typically, dot releases don’t trigger a review, so :man_shrugging:.)