hi @sem
thanks for reaching out. On a high level:
- can I easy change things like coloring, fonts → yes, for some elements this can be done via adjusting the styles, for some elements this needs to be done individually
- add extra elements or remove some plus adding plugins and other features → yes, the template serves as a basis or simply to copy past element so another app. think of it like a bubble app you have built yourself. Everything is fully adjustable, but you need to be able to understand how the template works to do so.
- In addition, I suppose this template can be very easily wrapped as a native app? → depends on how you define “easily” and what wrapping features you need. its the same as for any app built on bubble. I also have a paragraph on that in the template documentation. there is a lot of different solutions…have a look at https://thebdk.com/ or 10 min. to build a free native iOS/Android app 2021 🔷 and https://jasonelle.com/.
- Are there other cons I need to think of before buying? → the template really serves as a starting point. the template focuses on really nice UI/UX and therefore has a certain complexity. to get value out of it you still need to be somewhat experienced with bubble. i recommend having a look at the documentation before deciding to buy. the documentation should give you a good impression. Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
Hope this helps