Hi all,
We’re planning to move our homepage from https://bubble.io to https://bubble.io on Wed Sept 4th. This has been in the works for a while (many people try to reach us at bubble.io, since .is is an unusual domain suffix). We are eager to do the switchover, because completion of this project is a technical dependency for another project that we’re even more excited about: we plan to roll out free Cloudflare coverage to all Bubble users on the main cluster who opt into it.
We’ve had a number of Bubble customers deploy Cloudflare on their own sites, which is beneficial because of their security and DDoS protection, and bandwidth and network management. Managing Cloudflare yourself is somewhat technical and error-prone (we’ve had quite a few apps go down because of mismatches between Cloudflare and Bubble configuration), so we’re happy to be able to provide fully managed coverage on our customers’ behalf.
We still have a bit more work to do before Cloudflare is ready to go live, but completing the switchover to bubble.io is one of the key milestones. The plan is to to start redirecting traffic from bubble.is to bubble.io at approximately 10 or 11 am ET on 9/4.
This should not have direct impact on user apps: apps without a custom domain will still be hosted at [appname].bubbleapps.io. We plan to continue redirecting bubble.is to bubble.io for the indefinite future, and emails at both domains will work (so you will be able to reach us at both support@bubble.is and support@bubble.io). Note that because we can’t share login cookies across domains, you will be logged out of the editor when we do the switchover, and will have to log back in. It should be safe to be actively working in Bubble at the time of the switchover, but be mindful of the red “Saving…” indicator, pause work, and refresh the page if it looks like changes are no longer being persisted.
Once we’ve switched our homepage over, we will begin switching over our various bubble.is subdomains (such as forum.bubble.io and status.bubble.is) over following days. In all cases, we will have the bubble.is subdomain redirect to the bubble.io domain.
Note for dedicated customers: switching your dedicated clusters domains to bubble.io (e.g., d2.bubble.is -> d2.bubble.io) and setting up Cloudflare requires substantial additional technical work on our end because of the way we manage dedicated clusters. So it may be a few months before we roll this out to dedicated. In the interim, we’ll be happy to give you technical support with setting up self-managed Cloudflare, but we won’t be able to provide it automatically or for free until we complete the work on our end.
We have an extensive testing plan to prepare for a smooth transition to bubble.io; that said, with an infrastructure switch like this there’s always the possibility of unknown-unknowns. We will do our best to make things as seamless as possible and to fix any issues that do arise swiftly. We appreciate your patience, and look forward to getting these projects completed!