Wow, 500+ plugins available for Bubble! Any favourites come to mind?

Definitely agree with ones you’d mentioned. A few others come to mind.

But, first, a huge kudos to those who have released plugins for free. I realize that many of your could very reasonably justify charging for these plugins. Thank you for your open-source contributions to the Bubble ecosystem.

@copilot’s Stripe plugin - Salar and team’s Stripe.js plugin offers a ton of advanced Stripe integrations. (And is used in some ~1,500 apps).

@louisadekoya’s RelativeTime plugin - before this plugin came out, I spent a solid day trying to replicate the functionality within Bubble. This did it out of the box.

@AliFarahat Google Maps Extended plugin - this plugin has been used some ~4,700 times. Being able to pull travel distances and times based on different factors was a game changer.

I’ve enjoyed building a few of my own (GoodReads API and IPstack) and hope to add a few more over the holidays.