Advance interface objects

Did you come up with any numbers?

So this would cover quite some cases :slight_smile:


Wow, i just was about to ask for this feature. Iā€™ll check it out right now. Thank you!

@emmanuel Amazing! Why did I wake up and check my phone. Now Iā€™m not going to be able to sleep. :wink:


@emmanuel now we just need the ability to drag nā€™ drop in between other items. Currently it looks like when you drag something it will only appear at the bottom. :wink:

Itā€™s a different feature. But try to be creative and use the current cellā€™s index. You should be able to do what youā€™re tying to doā€¦ :wink:

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Will it be possible to use this feature by dragging and dropping an item on the same repeating group?

IĀ“ve tried with no success.