Thank you for responding. I have so many questions. please bear with me.
I assumed that If I have this plugin as “Element” then it will just start working out of the box on the page. all i have to do is configure according to your docs website guide which i did. Set up data types, workflow etc.
So… I have not added any new data types or added any new fields. I did only what the guide told me.
I wait for your comment. I see in your demo editor, in your demo DB, so many so many data types and fields exist which confuses me, at least at this moment. Please keep reading.
my data types
Now lets move to next situation - app data in DB
The DB shows the messages under the user who is typing the messages on the screen. That means DB is setup correct, events/actions workflow setup correctly.
see image below. Let me know if you want to see Events/action workflow SS and i will send it. I did not attach it here but its attached end of this message.
Now lets move to next - Which type of chat Exactly I need to copy/follow from demo editor? You have multi-chat, duo-chat and messenger options.
MY chat system is between Two different users (two different user types)… Same user types cannot message each other but each user type can directly chat with each other…The chat in my app acts just like a marketplace app.
I will setup chat on each of the user type’s pages individually.
So, from your 3 choices, Which one is suited for me ?
My guess, after looking at behavior of each chat type in your editor, is that I need DUO-CHAT. Coz Messenger is like a chat room and Multi-chat is like group chat and both these use cases are not for me. But please confirm for me.
OK… so…
if i try to simply drag drop chat element plugin on my page - it works, in DB and on screen. This very much behaves like duo-chat except the list of users and chats is missing to be configured.
see SS here.
But if I copy paste the WHOLE DUO-CHAT UI from your demo editor… and configure how i saw in demo editor… then the workflow breaks. DB action stops, and screen messages also stops. So i removed it. it was just a test to see if i can make this work.
Last Question
***** please also comment on how one user can initiate CHAT to another user? ideally, each user type can click on CHAT ICON on their page UI and the chat begins. Any basic nudge is appreciated. I can figure out the rest.
*** and once a user has had chat with few other users - DO i still need to design and configure the appearance/layout/logic of - List of chats? list of chat is like what i saw on your DUO-CHAT UI of demo editor. see SS below.
**** please also comment if for my use case if i need to copy anything else from your DEMO EDITOR ?