To make this idea work we just need this to be available in the Conditional section of the table row. (or as part of a Table setup itself I guess).

Just needs this conditional :
When ‘This Rows index <-modulo-> 2 is 1’
Property change is ‘Background Style/Colour is xxxxxx.’

Currently this work on a cell but not a row.

Would be great folks.


I am sure this works on an row.

Hi daviddr17

Unfortunately not. Here’s a screen grab of exactly what you can use as a ‘conditional statement’ when you select a row. You’ll see that ‘This Row’s index’ is not there to use the modulo.

Hope that explains it.


Hey Mark, just checked it at an app I was creating for a customer and saw that you are right. I did it with the cells too, unfortunately.

Sorry for the misleading information.

I also checked if its possible to copy the conditional from the cell to the whole row, but I got the following error:

So this feature is not integrated yet.


No worries at all. Yes we could use the Cells but some of my tables have a number of columns so it’s a tad impractical - hopefully Bubble have this on their radar as it’s very handy for long tables with many columns.


Place all your row elements inside a group and change this group background according the number of its row. Works perfectly :+1:

Hi there, unfortunately whist that works in a repeating group it only works in each cell in a table. I have quite a number of columns in a table and each column cell would need the ‘modulo’ logic.

With Tables you don’t often have more than 1 element in a cell - if that makes sense?

cheers for the thought though.

I don’t get it :sweat_smile:

Is that what you are looking for?
I made it using repeating group…

If no, can you give an example?

Hi there,

I rarely use Repeating Groups - most of my apps use Tables (they are still in Beta of course). Your solution works for Repeating groups but not Tables since you can’t group items in separate cells in one group. Hope that explains it ok.

all the best

This is your issue. The “Beta” Table component sorely lacks the functionality needed to be a useable component. This is well documented here. Abandon them for repeating groups (for anything other than a basic table) as it is uncertain when if ever Bubble will recommit resources to properly adding the minimum required functionality for real-world use cases.