You have a button that should switch a state between yes and no, so you have to create double workflow: with condition if the state is yes it should toggle to yes and vice versa
What if i could use a single action: Set State (Yes/No): Value: using the following expression: This Button’s State’s "Opposite"
Or this thing’s (Yes/No) Field’s Value’s “Opposite”
EDIT: Sorry @cheskiefisch, just noticing this was in the Idea section. I agree, it would be more Bubble-like to have an Opposite type of operation…but luckily we can at least do this with a single action…it just isn’t obvious.
I had a literally screaming fit when first trying to figure out where the heck the ! operator was. A :not or :inverse operator on booleans would be most welcome. It’s true (see what I did there?) that ‘boolean is “no”’ is the same thing as !boolean (in JavaScript) or not(boolean) [as we might write it in generic boolean mathematics]… but it’s just SO odd as a syntax. Nobody thinks of it.