HI I have a problem with some transitions animations . I made two workfows to animate groups by clicking a text but sometimes one group does not collapse when hidden , its frustrating for the user experience . Help me please
Some one can help me please
That animation of sliderightIn is to show something, not hide it, so the collapse when hidden would not work as you are showing instead of hiding when using a transition that is ‘in’ you need to use animation that is ‘out’
Ok thanks a lot for your response I will try that , so what animation should I use to make transitions or to show groups ?
Use “In” animation to show something (eg. SlideRightIn)
Use “Out” animation to hide something (eg SlideLeftOut)
Sometime you will have to put a pause between to animations actions. To let the first one finish before the second starts.
In case you use some conditionnals and custom state to hide/show groups. Make sure it doesn’t conflict with your animations.
Hope this help
@jackncurious you could try using the conditionals on the elements themselves, to say when the other element is visible that the element with condition is not, so you don’t need to run an action to hide one before running action to show the other.
Thanks I used custom states and conditionnals for those groups , How can I put a pause to show groups , because I can think that’s the problem . The animations are only for user experience
You should try this:
Initial setup:
- group A, the element is visible on page load unchecked, collapse when hidden checked, condition custom state is [state A] → this element is visible.
- group B, the element is visible on page load unchecked, collapse when hidden checked, condition custom state is [state B] → this element is visible.
- Button [Trigger]
- default state of custom state to [state A] (if you want group A to be shown on page load)
When [Trigger] is clicked:
- Animate Out group A
- Pause XXXms
- Set state from [state A] to [state B]
- Animate In group B
ok thank you
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