Anyone's live data glitching?

One of my users data is glitching, missing entries on a repeating group and calendar entries linking to incorrect data?

Will report as bug, just wondering if I’m alone?


I’m having an issue where the list of children on a parent thing isn’t loading. It started acting up about 30 minutes ago, and nothing’s changed on my end.

  • Only affects the live version, not dev.
  • Data is intact in the database.
  • Debugger shows the data as nonexistent.

We’re having weird things happening in our app today as well. data is missing live but I can see it on the backend.


Ok, glad I’m not alone. Have you reported a bug? Hopefully enough reports will have this fixed quickly

@fede.bubble any info?

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Mine just reverted back to normal and appears to be working.

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Oh good, mine too by the looks of it :raised_hands:

There is still a glitch - repeating groups don’t show all the items from the DB.

let me go ask


btw, any other users that come across this topic and are experience the same issues, it would be helpful if you can drop a reply (to get a sense of how widespread this is)

We’re having this issue as well. Dev loads fine but missing info on Live side.

Ive not been able to narrow down the problem specifically, but our app is having odd glithes again. Ive not been able to find a pattern.

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Update here: the success team had some user reports related to issues with repeating groups not updating in specific cases and they have escalated that

Best thing to do is submit your own bug reports so they can all be bundled/looked at together


Same exact issue … I knew I could find someone here reporting the same.

Any word from support?

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alright, if any of you don’t mind, could you write the reproduction steps for these issues? I’ll pass them along

Yup, major issue on our end, just swapping one child object for another. Affecting our customers really badly

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I’m in Brazil and the LIVE version doesn’t work either,

Same thing. Some data disappeared and looks like empty, some data changed their indexes in the database. And this problem is widely spread

Just started working for us again

I’m finding references all messed up across all Datatypes…

Last modified on the Parent: May 6
but the reference object (which is wrong) was created May 23…

How does that even happen?

The only pattern I can see is that when I see an incorrect child object on a parent datatype is the date May 23rd 2024. And, in one of those cases, it just fixed itself.